Mama Fairy gets busier

This year we decided to give the girls a small weekly allowance,just to start giving them the value of money.The idea is to make them understand the value of things and how hard is to earn them. Since they have this little amount of pocket money they decided to buy each other a birthday present.Something small but, it’s the gesture that matters.Next Tuesday it will be A‘s birthday and CG got her a present .A funny penn shaped as a reindeer wearing boxing gloves .The peculiarity of the pen is that if you push a button in the back the arms stretch like she is punching.Perfect gift for her sister indeed.Unfortunately today when we take it out the bag to wrap it we realised it was broken.One of the arm broke.I tried to fix it with super glue,my solution for pretty much everything that breaks but, it didn’t work.Desperation covered CG face,not only she didn’t have a present for her sister but she also wasted two euros,thai is more than half of her weekly allowance.Poor thing!I offered to bring her to buy an other present and also to refund her of the two euros already spent.Not because I am an incredible generous mother but because I know I drop the bag with the pen in it and,may be, I have some responsibility in the breakage.
We didn’t go back to the shopping center but we decided to go instead to the village toys shop.To be honest when it comes to buy toys I always go to the big chain shops as there is more choice and lots of offers but this little shop is the kingdom of the toy gadget.A is the queen of any sort of gadget so, no better place.On the contrary of what you would expect then, the shop is not even dear.It is small and with not much to offer at first sight but, once you start looking around more carefully, you will always find what you want and much more.It is a toy version of the little shop of horrors:you know when you go in but never when you get out and with what.

The Little village toy shop also sell fairy doors and a multitude of accessories to decorate them.CG,after doing her maths with the money she has saved and the current week allowance she is still entitled to,couldn’t resist the temptation of buying a new fairy door plus a welcome sign, a new letter box and a giant mushroom to embellish the whole new set up.I tried to object that they both already have a fairy but what I didn’t know, it was that apparently you can have as many fairies as you want as they all have different roles.Obviously I didn’t do my homework well and,maybe, I should have read the fairy book myself before giving it to her!Mama fairy has definitely still a lot to learn!

CG has been busy most of the morning coloring the new door and the accessories.The plan was to put this new door inside her bedroom. I can see instead, it has been placed outside with the other two. Someone must have convinced her to share it.The same someone won’t be happy when she will be told that sharing the new fairy door means sharing its purchase as well.I will wait few days. If the door will be moved in CG ‘s bedroom it will mean that, for A, preserving intact her little fortune had still more appeal than gaining a new fairy.
In the afternoon I have been asked to bake fairy cupcakes….:What else.
As I have nothing to do,(except ironing,cleaning,changing all the bed linen in all the beds,walk the dogs,start tidying up for nona arrival on Monday etc etc),I bake.The girls helped…..but of course when the fun part is over they ran.

Tonight when i went upstairs for the goodnight kiss and, mainly to threaten them to be quiet and retire in their own bedrooms, I realised a note has been left outside the fairy doors along with three cupcakes.
Just the time to go brush my teeth ,before going back downstairs to watch some tv and, when I came out from my bathroom, the giant dog is looking at me with big guilty puppy eyes while his stepsister is licking her whiskers.It didn’t take a genius to understand what happened there.The cupcakes went straight into their belly rather than into the fairies’s doors.Not long before the girls realised what happened too.It took just the last trip to the bathroom before switching their lamp off for good:”Mama.Kurt and Clara ate the cupcakes”.”Yea,well what would you expect?!”.No, i didn’t say that.I am not that cruel.I just thought of doing it.”I will get an other tree and keep the dogs away”.That was my politically correct answer…..said of course in that sweet patient tone that only a mother can fake so well.I replaced the cupcakes and I made sure the dogs stayed downstairs with me for the rest of the evening.

Before going to bed I usually let the dogs out. Tonight is no exception.While they are outside in the garden I go up and,after making sure the girls are fast asleep, I take the cakes and the note and bring them into my bedroom.
Like in a dream,at the end of another long and eventful day,I can eventually enjoy the warmth of my bed and the feeling of the freshly changed bedlinen on my skin.Nothing is more luxurious than the first sleep in a clean bed:The smell of the fabric softener,the crisp of the clean cotton,the total absence of dog’s hair.
I am back in my role of mama fairy.I am sitting on my scented bed enjoying my fairy cupcakes.,I wont deny a bit of guilty out of the amount of calories I am stuffing myself with but,every mama fairy has to do what she as to do.Being a mama fairy requires sacrifice sometimes.

Fairy cupcakes,apple spice tea, a pen and a notebook to write a reply note.A little note to introduce myself as Henrietta.Henrietta the pet fairy.Henrietta the happy neighbour of Poppy and Elda.

40 thoughts on “Mama Fairy gets busier

    1. They didn’t even leave the wrapping🐶they drive me nuts but would ease those guilty puppy eyes for anything in the world 😍girls are sweet with this fairy thing actually.they drive me nuts too but then a note and a cupcake(or three) and I’m fine😂

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  1. Well Ortensa, it’s a lovely balmy night here in Geelong, and I’m sitting here at my desk reading your gorgeous mama fairy story, smiling to myself and enjoying my strawberries and ice-cream, and soon to go to bed with some poems to read, and a few pieces of chocolate, Oh my, life is good, life is sweet !!

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    1. Thank you.My rule is usually kids don’t talk about money as I don’t like hearing kids giving money value to things but at the same time they need to understand the value of what they have.It is working so far and they are very good saving it for what they really want and if it is not enough they might work extra rounds in the house a gain some tip.It doesn’t sound too rough does it?😳Friday treat is still on me 😊

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